Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Core Moroccan Beef, Lentils and Rice

A quick one pan throw together that is full of flavour

Serves: 6+

Difficulty: Easy


  • 400g extra lean mince
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 tsp garlic
  • 1 cup lentils (preferably whole)
  • 1 cup dry white rice
  • 2 x 410g can of Ardmona Rich & Thick Tomatoes, Moroccan Style
  • 3 cans-worth water
  • 4 tsp beef stock powder
  • 4 cups diced free vegies (I was in a slack mood and used frozen: 2 cube spinach and 4 cups green beans)
  • 1 cup corn kernels


Dry fry beef in a nonstick pan with garlic and onion
Add beef stock, tomatoes, water, lentils, rice and simmer with lid on for 25-30 mins until most water is absorbed.
Add vegies and simmer for another 5-10 minutes until vegies are tender.

I served on a bed of bean sprouts to add a sweet-crunch

Not on Core? The total Points for this recipe is 29 pts, or 5 pts each for 6 serves

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A note about Vegetarian Coding

Vegetarian Coding ~ I am working on a vegetarian section. I am marking them by common vegetarina types

(V) = Vegan (no animal products)
(L) = Lacto Vegetarian (has dairy)
(LO) = Lacto Ovo Vegetarian (has dairy and egg)

Please email me your fave vego recipes.
